16 June 2016


The World we live in is at times quite unfair.Most people keep on complaining of this unfairness of the World.The system is unfair,life unfair and also the beings are unfair.How does this unfairness comes about?Right away from the time of your birth in that public or private hospital,it's the doctors and nurses who attended to you to ensure your well being.In our day to day lives,we tend to use cell phones,electricity,laptops and cars,all of which we never invented.

Generally,people do not have access to equal opportunities as those from richer house holds are given priorities over those coming from poor families.Even when we trace back to 30 years ago,the trend was equivalent. People lived in a mornachial society where those from the highest social class ruled over the others.Therefore, those who were coming from lower class within the society would become slaves throughout their life time.Hence,it's a clear evidence that the unfairness of the World has been in place since the beginning and it will remain unfair forever.

There are three ways in which one can live jovially and survive in this World.First of all,you need to be a spectator who complains about unfairness whenever you feel uneasiness.Secondly, you need to be a contributor who take the responsibility to do well his or her job in order to make this world a better place to live in.And last but not least, you need to be an annihilator who deliberately works to ensure an end to the unfairness of the World.

What a gift all of us have got but we hardly acknowledge it.Quite unfair! Current philanthropic initiatives taken by Gates,Bono,Buffet and many other entrepreneurs might lead to a World by 2030,where a child born in any part of the world can take a stab at a life of his or her choice. Throughout history, people at every level have contributed to make a better World.Therefore, let's all take the responsibility of contributing towards activities that build us as well as our nation inorder to put an end to this unfairness and stop complaining.

By Fanice Arocho

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