17 June 2016


A murder case has been reported in koyolo location, Rangwe constituency, Homa-Bay County of a love gone sour. The culprit named Onyancha named severally stubbed his girlfriend on her chest which has caused her to bleed to death. The two lovers had a heightened argument which turned sour when the man in question couldn’t control his temper but resolved to take a knife and stubbed the girlfriend several times in the chest causing her death before she could reach the homa-bay district hospital. Talking to us on phone the village area chief said such cases have since been in the increase especially in this location, he noted that such crimes has been due to lack of understanding among most lovers in this location. The chief promised this he wouldn’t allow to be the order of the day in this location adding that the perpetrator has now been arrested and is in the police custody waiting to be arraigned in court tomorrow.
Most times we have ended up in relationships with an expectation that it would be rains all through and it would be a rose flower bearing entity with no displeasures at any point or mistrust among the lovers. Love from its onset based on the biblical accounts is defined as not evil loving; it is brought out as being so kind and patient, entity that isn’t jealous or boastful but rather truthful and tends to protect the positive sides of it and in the long run strives to suppress its negativity.
From his perception, Scott Perk says that it is and I quote “one mysterious nature of love is that none has ever arrived at a satisfactory definition of love” he views love as too large, too deep ever truly to be understood or limited to the explanation or the framework of words, it is something that it’s to be experienced rather than just felt.
With all these explanations and expectations then, what is it that makes love to end up to be too bitter to that extent that leads someone to even commit murder on the basis of passion, or how does love make someone end up committing crime on the account of passion? Though this is unthinkable, such passion crimes have become the order of the day with the lovers ending up murdering each other on accounts best known to them, in the last night’s incidence the culprit argued that he did this unthinkable act out off annoyance that his lover had been cheating on him with his immediate friend.
Cases of passion crimes has in the recent past been as a result of jealousy, fear of losing a partner, extreme anger and heartbreaks from the lovers which brings into the victims an idea of revenge. Evidently, crimes of passion have been a result of mental illness, depression and anxiety. They are indicated by mood swings and withdrawal if not lack of interest by the partners with each other starting to give imaginary excuses and each other trying to get their personal belongings, evidently, such partners start using the personal pronoun I in almost all their discussions.
In the current society where we live, people’s minds are clouded with several questions which seem not answered as to why someone who has been in love with a partner would resolve to murder their lovers or commit a gender assault against their loved ones, this is a sure bet that all of us are full of why’s and how’s especially when met with such news rather than because of.
In most cases, because of what the victims think of as love, has clouded their judgments such that even after noting the markers of a possible passion crime, they tend to assume that out of the good times they have shared together as lovers there cannot be any case of such murder or passion crimes among them only to be sorry after the occurrence of such crimes.
At times, the likelihood of someone to commit a passion crime may be well known to their friends is known to their friends not limited to all their friends, who have in the past assumed such indicators only to come and be sorry of having not informed the victims in prior to the occurrence of such crimes. Most of these crimes begin with disagreements and quarrels out of very light discussions, this is clearly reflected on how the individuals are to handle the third party including children or close relatives whenever they talk or give them instructions, mostly any slight mistakes from the third party is punishable to them.
Possibilities of any looming passion crimes have been marked with increased abuse either emotionally or physically by the partners. This may also be marked by cases of constant accusation of imaginary unfaithfulness and mistrust. When such accusations have started coming out of your relationships then be aware that it isn’t time to continue surviving in these relationships but it is rather that time to get5 to quite from the relationship for why should you continue playing with smoke yet you are sure that the fire in the smoke can consume you into a totality.
Everyone is a potential victim of passion; the only difference is how much each individual is aware of their environment and their ability to make timely wise choices in life. Do not wait to run away for cover ups in the last minute when you know at that point you won’t be able to run away. At that point when you start witnessing any signs of withdrawal by your partner then it is high time you quite rather than stay in such a relationship. If you as an individual also realize you’re likely to be forced into committing a crime of passion then be ware it is that time to collect yourself and be ready in your mind t5o get out of the relationship lest you commit crime of passion.  

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