2 November 2016
evolution is indeed a good project whose initiators aimed at having the country grow at an equal rate, this was aimed at solving the problem that had been caused by the nature of governance which saw all the resource distribution to be skewed due to centralization of services by the central government, indeed it was aimed at having the resources in the local areas and the local skills of the people living in the rural areas be made good use of, it was also aimed at helping the people get most jobs which were to be generated by the county governments. Its main role was also to solve the problem of constant rural- urban migration in search of services and goods.
However, this has not been the case; most of the county bosses have taken this as an opportunity and a turn for them to feast in the citizen’s hard earned revenue that they pay very faithfully to the government. However this can not only be blamed on the county government but also in the national government which has seen scandals after another with the recent one being within the heath sector
Corruption has become like the order of the day; the role that one has to play in the act is to be involved then start blaming one party to another. This is very evident in the county sectors and the national government with each party blaming one another of their corrupt ways. It has come to the knowledge of the public that the money that was to be used to aid the free maternity care as now ended up in the pockets of the “Nyama Eaters” the county bosses have been heard and overheard complaining of the delayance of the county funds which are aimed at improving the health sector by the national government whom they blame to have delayed the release of ksh.7.2 billion reimbursements for the free maternity.
Taking on the critics of the health sector, the health permanent secretary Mr. Nicholas Muraguri defended the health sector claiming that the county governments are suffering from the problem of poor book keeping. In April 2016, the governors claimed that the national government owed them 7.2 billion worth of two years arrears for free maternity reimbursements. Muraguri disputed the figures accusing the counties of poor book keeping. “This year, the amount that was allocated for the health sector for the same purposes was ksh.4.2 billion, it comes with conditions that demands that the county governments should actually show what they actually were used to do rather than playing blame games with the national government.”
According to Mr. Muraguri, the national government only owes the counties ksh.1.48 billion and not the ksh.7.2 billion as claimed by the county governments. These figures according to him are the arrears of the year 2014-2015 financial year he went on to claim that these are the figures that even the treasury is aware of. This is just an array of what type of corruption the country Kenya is engraved in.
Even though there has been a continuous blame game with each sector of the governments having what to say in each others defense, there is yet another gravious scandal in the ministry of health which has seen 5.2 billion disappear. In as much as the internal audit in the health ministry gives its values, there is another version of the same with the cabinet secretary for health claiming there is nothing like that, and he claims that these figures have been overblown in the air
When you as a learned person as your are is told that the amount which was to be used in the procurement of A was again used in the procurement of B , what does this show? With that knowledge in procurement, I tend to believe that when some allocation has been made in order to procure A then it is A that it should end up being used to procure not that it can again be used in the procurement of another commodity B
The health sector is a devolved function, the question is, why is it that the money that is intended for the health sector is again used by the national Ministry of health by the national government yet it is a devolved function. With this I think there is someone that isn’t telling the truth and it is high time the leaders should come out clean and say what they mean when they sat no irregularities has been seen in the procurements of the mobile clinics which are still kept somewhere yet to be delivered.
5.2 billion Is quite a large amount that can actually be used to help these of our unable women who have always ended up loosing their lives during child birth. It is quite disheartening when our most beloved mother, the first lady of the nation madam Margret Kenyatta to go around the country in order to source for funds to aid her beyond zero campaign, yet there are some moles seriously gnawing on billions of shillings.
As the health sector continues to scrawl on its belly, there are still a series of corrupt people who have become too hurtles to mess up with the money that is meant for the poor mothers who have constantly lost lives during child birth. This is quite a shame and I tend to thin that it is high time me and you should stand up and say no to corruption.
Let’s continue engaging each other through these platforms and speak against this vice as a nation
You can as well read same articles in;
The informer@ essentials.blogspot.com
27 October 2016
This has made most of our leaders who despite of the good education that they have, to look too desperate such that no good can come out of them without considering what others will have to say about them, this has in fact made most of them be too dreamy such that they are not even able to comprehend the difference between a lie and a true promise. Anyway, away from criticism based on ethnicity, how do you as an upright man think a promise by just but one leader could help you stand a chance of securing the other people's votes, or does it mean we have stopped thinking well?
AS the number of days continue rolling on, the great country Kenya is counting days which are at high speed changes into hours but this has become a serious shadow to most of the politicians who think being called the "Walaji Nyama na Wameza mate" can help the stand a chance of being assigned the duties by the electorate, in fact, when some continue claiming they are strong based on the issues those who they consider their "fathers" in politics, one need to ask a question on who should blame upon failure in their political career, does it mean moving into coalitions is a direct ticket to being elected someday?
I do tend to think that it is high time some of our leaders should come back to their senses and stop sleeping in a broad day light, does it mean that even a highly vivid trick has become too blurred to some of us that they cannot even see past the shadows? some of our leaders have ended up being too desperate in their quest for support from others such that even when abused in the face they cannot even comprehend and see what that has or bears in their lives, in fact some have become too blinded to the point of thinking that having the support of just a single individual is a ticket to their support by the whole nation, this looks as though it is just a joke but it is a fact, we have seen most of the people think in this angle. it is high time people should start thinking in the right way if not they will end up being victims of circumstance.
What do you think about he same please lets engage and help some people get some sense.
29 September 2016
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
There are two days in every week that we should not worry about, two days that should be kept free from fear and apprehension.
One is yesterday with its mistakes and cares. Its faults and blunders, its aches and pains. Yesterday has passed forever beyond our control. All the money in the world cannot bring back yesterday. We cannot undo a single act we performed. Nor can we erase a single word we’ve said. Yesterday is gone.
The other day we shouldn’t worry about is tomorrow. Tomorrow is beyond our control. Tomorrow’s sun will rise either in splendor, or behind a mask of clouds but it will rise. And until it does, we have no stake in tomorrow, for it is yet unborn.
This leaves only one day. Today. Any person can fight the battles of just one day. It is only when we add the burdens of yesterday and tomorrow that we break down. It is not the experience of today that drives people mad, it is the remorse of bitterness for something which happened yesterday and the dread of what tomorrow may bring
Here’s what God says about yesterday:
“…forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead.” (Phil.3:13)
“Forget the former things, do not dwell on the past.” (Isaiah 43:18)
Here’s what God says about tomorrow:
“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” (Matt.6:34)
“Do not boast about tomorrow for you do not know what a day may bring forth.” (Prov.27:1)
Here’s what God says about today:
“This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.” (Psalm 118:24)
I wish to announce that this weekend, I will lead a team to Kisumu County for a two day visit where I will meet party delegates, meet ODM MCAs and conduct a roadshows through the city.
These will culminate in a mega rally in the city on Saturday where we will be joined by our Party Leader Rt. Hon Raila Amolo Odinga. At this rally, Kisumu County will declare its political stand on the 2017 contest.
The weekend’s activities, along with others that are going on, are not for fun but are part of our mission and duty as a party to educate our supporters and Kenyans in general on why Jubilee must not get another term in office.
The reasons Jubilee must not get another term are pretty clear. Jubilee does not deserve a second term because of its deliberate policy of economic sabotage. Jubilee is pursuing a deliberate policy of impoverishing communities and regions that it perceives to be non-supportive.
Jubilee has divided the country down the middle, between supporters and non-supporters. In the last four years, appointments and services have gone only go to Jubilee supporters, real or imagined.
No regime has been as exclusive and divisive like this one. Even their new logo—Uhuru and Ruto holding hands---shows it is about two people and their communities. But even those communities are beginning to realize they are being used for individual gains by the leaders. They are asking questions.
Jubilee has spent the last four years fighting to destroy everything the people want: Fighting devolution, fighting the Constitution, fighting the TJRC report.
In the process, they are stealing from the people and making new promises.
Corruption has reached levels never seen before even in our worst years. The President is unaware of what Kenyans are going through. If he is aware, then he does not care. That is why he does not understand why other people are not eating meat while he does.
Kenyans, especially they youth, are looking for opportunity, jobs, security, food, better standards of living and affordable life.
People at the Coast are looking for land they can call their own. And they are looking for justice over long running historical injustices. They are looking for a role in the institutions in their part of the country, which they have been denied. The Port is moving to a different part of the country through a policy that remains not too well disguised. That is economic sabotage.
Many Kenyans feel they have been abandoned and are struggling alone.
In the middle of all these, regime Kenyans entrusted to make things work is instead making new promises on top of the old.
Devolution, which was to open up opportunities by taking resources to the people is being fought everywhere across the country.
The various dealings between the Jubilee Administration and the Chinese now sees cheap fish imported into the local market at the expense of fishermen not just in Kisumu County, but the entire Lake Basin region. That is economic sabotage.
Rice is being imported from Pakistan in exchange for tea exports.
That is economic sabotage.
It is for this reason that we take it as a duty to our nation to educate Kenyans that the Jubilee Government cannot be allowed another five years. The country is tired and a yearning for something new and better, for a more caring and humane leadership. The truth is, things will not get better under Jubilee.
A regime that does not fulfill its first term promises will not improve and will not care in the second term.
The only way to make things get better is to reject Jubilee’s new promises and vote it out resoundingly next year.
The race to retire Jubilee is on.
Tukutane Kisumu.
14 September 2016
Be aware
Some Guys will be Angry with me, but this is
just the truth. Especially for our youths!
Read carefully.
sleeping with many girls causes stagnation
and set-back in your business, job, academics and delay of
blessings. This is why so many men are not
progressing and things are not moving well
with them. Avoid multiple sex partners.
It is not every beautiful lady you see on the
road that is a human being. Some of these ladies
are agents of the devil. They are sent to the earth to sleep with
men and destroy there destinies. Men, control your sex urge. You are killing yourself. Yes! You make use of Condoms, but
condoms can only prevent diseases but it can
not prevent the spiritual negative effect of sex.
Your erection should not
control your direction.
A word is enough
for the wise. May the grace of the almighty God help us
become master of our flesh and control our urges.
19 August 2016
May I paraphrase Abraham Lincoln "A house divided against itself can not stand" so I say a divided East Africa shall not stand.
To the Cabinet Secretary Professor Jacob Kaimenyi, To the President AUA Architect Kaisi Kalambo, to The outgoing president of EAIA Architect Robert Kiggundu, Council members and delegates EAIA, GC Members and all those present here tonight I greet you all good evening.
Every generation is called upon to rise and fight a vice that threatens the endurance of free society, at their time. The generation Abraham Lincoln was called upon to abolish slavery, the generation of Mzee Jomo Kenyatta & Mwalimu Julius Nyerere were called upon to abolish colonialism. Our generation is called upon to abolish corruption. This we must do. For us to remain free and for us to usher in the new dawn of prosperity for all people of our nations. This is a duty our generation can not avoid. We owe this duty to ourselves, to our founding fathers and to generations yet unknown. Because when we do, when we slay this dragon, our Nations will rise to new heights of prosperity and the ascendancy of Eat Africa will be unstoppable. I may not get there individually but as a people we shall get there for the arc of history is long but bends towards justice.
I am delighted for the faith you have in me to lead EAIA, I was never the likeliest candidate for this office. Just a few years back I was little known in these circles. Because of your support I have come this far. My victory is your victory. Let's rejoice together.
Special thanks to architect Robert Kiggundu out going president of EAIA for accepting to handover power. Where he comes from they amend the constitution to prolong their rule.
Like in every family the younger brother looks upto the bigger brother to hold his hands as he takes the first steps, on this score I would like to profusely thank The former AAK Chairman Architect Steve Oundo for showing me the way. I can not forget Architect Waweru Gathecha the president of AAK for the hard work alongside Architect Flora Runumi to revive EAIA. A special mention goes to Arch. My class mate Arch. Musembi Mumo former EAIA president for holding my hands and for standing with me all the way.
To the members of Architects chapter council, I salute you, you are the silent but solid pillar of my leadership, the power behind the throne.
Not to forget the the secretariat headed by the CEO Jacob.
A king without subjects is like a speaker without an audience. A big thank you to all the EAIA and AAK delegates.
East African community was established with a vision to set up prosperous, secure, stable and politically united East Africa through widening and deepening cooperation among the partner states in political, economic and social spheres.
There is a young man in our midst whom I respect so much not just because for what he has achieved but for what he stands for. The young man is non other than Our senior Trustee Architect David Mutiso. His history is intertwined with the history of the institute. We all know him as an Architect but now I know he is a visionary. When the first EAC crumbled like a house of cards he clung on to the dream of a united profession in East Africa. As we celebrate this over a century old institute we must remember that he has served for about half that period, like a benevolent spirit he was present at every turn
1950s Pre Indepence when all architects were white people
1960s he witnessed the struggle for independence and attainment of freedom by our patriots.
1970s He saw EAC collapse out of bloated egos and recklessness
1980s Fall of Uganda and attempted coup in Kenya
1990s The rebirth of EAC
2000s Formation of the Common Market & Customs Union,
2010s Monetary union and Political federation?? are we off target??
How many of us feel we are losing steam? Why are we losing steam? That for a while we have just been spinning our wheels? Your guess is as good as mine.
I come into office To Transform, to run and to grow EAIA
Transformation is our highest goal but this can neither be easy nor quick. I have walked this journey at AAK and sometimes the tensions can reach the breaking point. It's not an easy journey my friends, unfortunately if we are to make any difference, if we are to move EAIA forward and if we are to leave behind a better EAIA than the one we Inherited from Architect David Mutiso, then it's a journey we must walk.
Envisage wildebeests crossing the Mara river from the great Savannah of Serengeti to the lush green grass of Masai Mara, these animals are the true east Africans, who gives them visa? Who gives them eating permit? they are truly border less, isn't this our dream? But always there's danger lurking under the water, the Mara river is infested by deadly crocodiles, but they must plunge to reach the lush green grass.
I tell you my brothers and sisters, Our fate is not different, to bring change there's danger, but it is a risk worth taking, for a better future of lush green grass we must plunge. I am counting on your support as we embark on this treacherous Journey filled with hope that on the other side we will find a new dawn. A dawn pregnant with the promise of a greater and stronger EAIA, pregnant with EA federation, I hope to live to see this dream come true one day.
But I must warn you. There will be setbacks and false starts. There are many who won't agree with every decision I make. We know the institute can't solve all problems. This victory alone is not the change we seek it's only the chance for us to make that change.
We are called upon to seize the future together, let the bright light of EAIA shine on East Africa Community, we are not as divided as the pundits believe. We are stronger than the sum of our individual countries. An EAIA Divided will not stand. The promise we sort in our unity must come true. This is the hope we must go back with to Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda and Burundi that With our new spirit of community we shall sustain the institute.
Umoja ni Nguvu, Utengano ni Udhaifu.
Long Live EAIA
4 August 2016
Terrorism in Kenya
Kenya has been the scene of various attacks attributed to terrorist elements. This is since in the 80s when The Jewish-owned Norfolk hotel was attacked by the PLO. In late 90s, another attack of the US embassy in Nairobi was again bombed. This did not take long before Paradise Hotel owned by the Israeli was attacked by terrorist approximately four years after the US embassy bombed. In 2013, 67 lives claimed by the militant of the Al-Shabaab, Westgate shopping mall in Nairobi.
Life was normal for the students of a University college in the remote part of Kenya, North East, which borders Somalia. This was on a Wednesday of the month not until masked gunmen on the dawn of Thursday of the month stormed the fortified campus hostels shooting indiscriminately at the fleeing students before taking several hundred hostages. This ended when four masked gunmen donated their suicide vests, with a fifth arrested. This attack left at least 147 dead, mostly students, with survivors afterward recounting how the militants singled out and executed Christians.
The attacks have raised a lot of questions on the security in Kenya, that is, the security strategies. This brought about some comments that this is a mix of corruption and the structural alienation of Kenya’s Muslim population. It was said that earlier on, there has been a lot of foreigners managed to acquire Passports within few weeks of sneaking into the country.
It took security services several hours to arrive at the site of the siege because of the bad roads in the area. This could not be the reason as others said there are no police stations situated around the university and also in most parts of the county. This led to the delay of security service to reach the scene.
These acts of terrorism attack have not only affected Kenyans by robbing them their loved ones and leaving them traumatized, but also the economy of the country has been greatly affected .For instant, the tourism sector has been greatly sector has suffered a major blow as some members of international community have issued travel advisories to their citizens who may have been planning to come to Kenya. Example, the missile attack in Mombasa resulted cancellation of the flights to Kenya by the Israel.
Questions a rises on whom to blame or be blamed about this several terror attacks in Kenya. This has made people live in dilemma whether The government should remove the military service in Somalia to make people live in peace and reduce the attacks in Kenya or the government to leave the militaries in Somalia to continue fighting the terrorists in Somalia. This may bring about different reasons to why leave or not. Removing the KDF from Somalia will not bring about any change because before the KDF was put in place, attacks such as bombing US embassy happened without KDF in Somalia.
Threats from the attackers has been all over about more of attacks on Kenya specifically where large number of population gather such as churches, institutions and airports just as it was In Paris France which left scarce of people. Maybe there is a reason for all this attacks not only in Kenya but all around the world. Even if KDF move away from Somalia, attacks will still be there as others claims it be in the Bible according to Mathew 24, signs of the end.
To help terminate this unethical behavior, people join together in prayers as the Muslim brothers help condemn this type of attacks. Also more stringent legal measures need to be imposed in the country in order to compliment the law of attacks and end the loopholes that will subject Kenya to any future terror attacks.
By Akumu Dalton Omondi
Moi University.
3 August 2016
There she was!,seated at the edge of her bed while crying bitterly.She is mourning and lamenting everything around her."Oh dear God!,why allow me to undergo all these?,Iam now seeing how unfair the world is,where is my future in this state of mine?,how I wish I knew that this inhuman man was only after ruining my life."Those were the words of Shila as I watched her rubbing tears out of her red eyes.
Shila was strolling around Eldoret town along the Eldoret-Nakuru highway when a black Japanese Range Rover pulled up next to her with a good looking man on the wheel. Shila had matched her long bond hair with a purple mini-dress flattering her body figure. The man peeped through the window of the car and their eyes met.He smiled and shouted,Hey pretty lady! can I have your phone number? "
Shila blushed and gave the number to the man.The following day the man made a phone call.He asked her to meet him at one of the restaurants in town.Shila feeling uncertainty about the man she accepted to meet him.Shila arrived at the place earlier and she was surprised to find the man already waiting for her.The man walked briskly towards and they embraced each other.
Immediately after meeting, the man gave Shila a cheque of hundred thousands. He smiled and asked her,"Hey beautiful lady,will you mind making love with me?".Shila resisted at first but because of the man's calm persistent, she gave in.They began to grind into each other while sharing different kinds of drinks together. This joyful moments made them to make several promises about their future life.
Shila was blinded by the man's passionate love.He provided her with alot of gifts and he promised to support her in every situation.They enjoyed several dates together and after some months of dating the man asked Shila to visit him at his homestead.Shila made a vist and they enjoyed moments of kisses and caress with their arms round each other the whole night.
The following morning they bid byes to each other as everyone quit for his and her respective activity. From that moment Shila tried to contact the man but he was nowhere.After one month Shila realised some unusual behaviour on her health. She visited the hospital and the doctor after diagnosing her,he told her frankly that she is pregnant and HIV positive.
This was when Shila recognised the award of her actions. She is regretting for ruining her life because of desires.She is requesting all young ladies to be contented with the little resources they have rather than looking for many resources from the so called "sponsors" because they will end up by ruining their lives.
28 July 2016
Immediately the results were out I joined St.Josephs Boys National school-Kitale from 2011 to 2014.I sat for my K.C.S.E examinations where I managed to score mean grade of A-.While waiting to join university I worked as a volunteer teacher at Mufutu Secondary School from April 2015 to August of the same year
On 9th of September 2015,I joined Moi University as a student in the School of Human Resource Development taking a degree in bachelor of science communication and journalism.Am currently on 1st semester of my second year.
I aspire to become the best journalist like mohammed Ali after my course.I also desires to take masters in communication specifically Kiswahili language.
27 July 2016
How does mob justice happen? You may question yourself. You are in a busy street going about your daily activity. You hear a shrilly sound from most probably a lady and a heavy commotion follows shortly. There is tension in the air. You turn back to see what is happening only to find a group of three or more roughing up a young man. Your curiosity makes you to get closer to witness the scene. By the time you arrive the number of people have increased, the young man is already drowning into his pool of blood and the people around him are using any available objects to hit him. You come across a young lady and panic is written all over her face and she can't force back her tears. The atmosphere forces you to ask her what is going on. She struggles to speak but after gaining composure she tells you that the young man being beaten thoroughly had tried to snatch her mobile phone and after screaming people came from nowhere and cornered the man who was trying to run for his life.
It's always a messy scene where the mob has dispensed its justice. But is mob justice a form of justice? They always believe they are right. They often draw their power in their huge numbers. They are almost unstoppable when they begin to execute their justice. They are outrageous, easily provoked and they don't allow any form of opposition. The suspect or the victim always suffers their wrath. They always tie their actions to the assumption that once they are done with the suspect, it's always a learning point for others who may be having the criminal mind to change. They are not always concerned whether the victim who was being robbed will get back their property. No! They want it to be a learning lesson to the other upcoming thugs. In most of the times, the suspect ends up being torched, hanged up or left to die after severe beating.
The mob justice mentality makes them the law enforcer, the prosecutor and judge at a go. The suspect always has no time to be heard which is a violation against his right. The law of being innocent till proven guilty is always contravened and yet it's called justice. Cases of mistaken identity are always rampant when the mob justice takes its cause. Innocent lives are lost and this leads to a bitter pain amongst the relatives of the victim. The mob psychology presumes that once they are done with their barbaric act the other criminals will be put on notice and part ways with their criminal nature. That is not always the case since as a matter of fact, crime increases as the accomplices of their victim seeks to revenge. Also research has shown that the people who always involve their selves in the act of mob justice are always the people with lewd characters coupled with idle minds seeking a place to vent out their anger and frustrations. In other circumstances, the participants in mob justice were once the victims of violent robbery.
There is always amicable ways of conflict resolutions and mob justice does not make it one. A state is governed by its laws enshrined under a constitution and therefore taking laws into ones hand is purely injustice. Justice cannot be achieved when one party is not heard and his or her own rights are infringed. The mob justice mentality is the worst disease that needs to be cured and it can only be achieved when you and I get together and not involve ourselves with the act.
Seven students of St. Patrick’s High School in Iten, Elgeyo Marakwet County were on Wednesday morning arrested in connection to the Wednesday night fire that gutted down the oldest dormitory in the institution of learning.
ElgeyoMarakwet County Commander, ShariffAbdallah, said that the seven were arrested in the school compound and taken to Iten Police Station for grilling.
He, however, said that it is yet to be established whether the students played a part in the torching of the dormitory in an arson attack suspected to have been conducted by outsiders.
The facility was housing 88 students and all their property went up in flames.
“We believe that the arrested students know something about the arson attack and might have colluded with outsiders to commit the crime, if not directly involved,” noted Shariff.
Elsewhere, Withur Boys Secondary School in Kisumu County was set ablaze Tuesday night with property worth millions of shillings being reduced to ashes.
Speaking to Citizen Digital, one of the witnesses said that the fire started few hours before 10:00pm when students were still in class for evening studies.
The school arson attacks have been on the rise for the last one month with over 80 schools suffering such cases.
Education CS Dr Fred Matiang’i has linked exam cheats to the arson attacks.
Okun Oliech
Anyango (not her real name) was only 16 years old when her step father raped her in Kisumu County. Her step dad did this inhumane act to her when her mother had left for the market. He ordered her to take off her clothes and raped her. He warned her that if she dared scream or told her mother or anyone about what had happened, he would kill both of them. He told her that she wasn’t her daughter and that she only came with her mother so he had nothing to lose.
Anyango never said a word to her mother or anyone else. She kept it to herself. For the first 3 weeks things seemed okay. Although she was being tormented from the inside, Anyango acted as if everything was okay. She went to school on time, did her assignments on time and was active in class as always.
During the fourth week, she started vomiting. She knew something was not right because she had missed her periods. She was so scared to tell her mother. She feared that if she dared spoke about what her evil dad did to her, both of them would be dead. Then she went to the hospital secretly to request for a pregnancy test and that is when it was confirmed that she was 4 weeks pregnant. The doctor was not done. She revealed to Anyango that she was also HIV positive.
She broke out into tears in the doctor’s room. “What has my father done to me? Why me? He has ruined my life completely.
She left the hospital room crying and cursing her father. Sadly she could not take the agony and committed suicide on that same day. Her step father was nowhere to be found when police officers came looking for him.
The plight of medical practitioners working in the county hospitals has resurfaced. Already in Machakos county, the doctors are up in arms protesting over mistreatment by the county authorities. Similarly in Kiambu county the doctors have threatened to shut down their tools complaining of poor working conditions.
From the past experiences, when complaints begin this way,they raise issues that end up developing into crisis. Let's consider even the education sector. And that's why there is need to quickly call an intervention and stem the tide.
At the top of the matter is the inability of the counties go to manage the health care since the constitution transferred management of health centres to the county government as the national government was to take charge of formulating policies and also only the management of referral hospitals including currently the Moi Referral Hospital and Kenyatta National Hospital. In the context, the former districts and provincial hospitals became county hospitals.
Generally, the challenge now is that the counties lack the capacity and infrastructure to manage the hospitals.
By Ruth Fanice.
Biometric voter registration. About 9.2 million Kenyan adults are yet to register as voters, the head of the National Registration Bureau has said.
He said the bureau relies on the data from the statistics body because not every death and birth is registered in Kenya and so they don’t have very accurate statistics.
With the IEBC having registered 14.3 million voters, it means that there is still more than half of that number waiting to be registered.
Mr Kimotho advised the IEBC to carry out a mass voter registration before the next election
Reuben Kimotho told the Joint Select Committee on electoral reforms the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission can make use of the data held by the bureau as it cleans the voters’ register ahead of the next elections.
“The National Registration Bureau has to date registered and issued 26.3 million Kenyans with National Identity Cards. It should be noted that out of these, 2.7 million are projected date according to the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics,” he added.
26 July 2016
US President Barack Obama's half brother, Malik Obama, has now urged Americans to vote against the former first lady and secretary of state Hillary Clinton who is the wife of the former US president Bill Clinton.This is according to a report in yesterday's
internet edition of the New York Post.
Malik is quoted expressing great disappointment in his brother's administration and the Democratic Party for their support of same-sex marriage and his brother's foreign policy that led to the assassination of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi.According to the report, Malik wore Donald Trump's campaign hat at his home in Kogelo with Trump's slogan "Make America Great Again".
In addition, Malik been quoted railing against president Barack Obama for allegedly showing little interest in his Kenyan family and declining to support Malik's campaign in the Siaya gubernatorial race in 2013. He is also quoted saying Obama refused to support a charitable agency - Barack H Obama Foundation - started in their late father's memory.
"My brother didn't help me at all," said Malik."He wanted me to shut it down when I set it up. He hasn't supported me at all," says Malik, who suggests that Trump is capable of reviving US prestige in the world.
According to the report, Malik, who studied and worked in the US as an accountant, is eligible to vote in the US state of Maryland where he plans to cast the ballot for Republican party presidential nominee Donald Trump.The report also states that Obama's brother is drawn to the Republican party since it opposes same-sex marriage.
Malik says he prefers Trump whom he says "speaks from the heart". He blames his brother and Mrs Clinton for the assassination of Gaddafi, who was killed during a US-led armed revolution. Clinton was Obama's Secretary of State during the uprising in which Gaddafi who was Malik's friend was killed by mobs in his hometown in Sirte on Libya's coast.
However, Malik was the best man at his half brother's wedding to Michele Obama, the US First Lady, but relations between the two half brothers have been strained and almost ground to a halt, according to reports in the US press.
Education has historically been the bridge to success ,today it is not.The E students are doctors,nurses,lawyers and so on,merit is no longer applied but money.This simply means ,the key to success in this country is money,not education. It's not surprising that most of those schools that are burning are public schools, and your guess is as good as mine when it comes to who are majority in these schools.
When I was a student in high school,you could easily see the hard working folk,'A' students who believed they have their future in their hands,today I do stalk at these bright students, they are jobless or doing clerical jobs,while the lazy and troublesome guys I knew are already lawyers, engineers or working in big organizations.
In other words, our education is no longer responsive to the needs of the job market, and the result is that today you only succeed ,not depending on your papers qualifications but who you know ,what you have or who your father is.
Secondly, we have over the years watched our education system drift from skill-based to exam-based.The parents of today went through either the old education system or this education system when you needed to pass with flying colours to succeed, and notion still exist in the majority of parents' mind and even those who failed in the exams have been pushing their children to perform.
The pressure has piled over the years and teachers being under pressure to show their schools as performing ones,have resorted to what is called ,"drilling " in private schools,and even more crude methods in public schools which includes suspending the under performers,denying them chance to participate in co-curriculum activities, creating extra time in cases where students are told to report earlier in opening days than the rest and so on.After our students seeing that they are being pushed over the cliff,they either try to cheat in exams,or avoid them at any given opportunity.
Sometimes back,the professors and doctors of this country were the role models of the school goers.They were mainly known to be people who rose from poverty to riches through working hard in school.Today things have changed ,politicians are the role models in our society and most of them have no genuine college papers. These politicians are forming committees to discuss school issues, come up with resolutions and even make inflated statements that implicate those who are supposed to soberly face the situation and come up with viable solutions.Our students are reading double standards,and they would rather try to game the system ,just like the powerful politicians do.
Finally, the education system is not inspiring hope, and what we are seeing today is a tip of an iceberg,we need to address the underlying misgivings of our system. Let's have an education system that gives students skills and hope ,so that they will feel they need it.Only by that shall we have students protecting their schools and not burning them.
A twenty two year old woman, Edinas Nyainda, who had just graduated from Kenyatta University two weeks ago was yesterday, on 25/7/2016 stubbed to death by her thirty year old boyfriend, Maxwell Okoth inside their rented apartment at Kahawa estate in Kiambu county. Edinas was stabbed severally with a knife until she succumbed to death.
The man also locked up himself inside the room attempted to commit suicide by stabbing his stomach using the same knife be had used to kill the lover but was rescued by the police officers who reached the scene and dispersed people using teargas. Witnesses said that the incident occurred following disagreements between the two as Edinas threatened to leave the man.
"I heard a commotion at around three o'clock in the morning but when I went to check, the assailant threatened me with a knife, prompting me to call the police," said Evans Silange, a watchman guarding the premises.
By Ruth Fanice
He talks of how he is disappointed by the results of the nomination but he is saying that they are together on political revolutions which have began.He says heis looking forward to be part of struggle of political ,social and economic representation of all and not a certain percentage.
He says that the elections are about ending the forty years of middle class decline .
25 July 2016
10 schools from Embu county Mbeere district are to be made boarding schools.The MP of Mbeere said that there is need for such schools to be made boarding so that they can help the local people.
Elsewhere in Langata ten students have been arrested after being suspected to have caused the fire in their institution.
More than fourty students from different schools have been arrested due to cases of burning down school properties.
It is now in the public domain that the Water and Irrigation Cabinet Secretary Eugene Wamalwa speaks more politics than water issues which are constitutionally domiciled in his ministry.
Historically, Eugene is well known for the Queen's English, innocent looks and his grand march to State House which never took off. He has been 'in the cold' for more than two years since his last appointment as Justice and Constitutional Affairs Minister during the grand coalition government that was led by Mwai Kibaki and Raila Odinga. However, being a man not used to political coldness, the learned fellow was hungry for a job.
In retrospect, he was given the hind leg of a ministry and not the entire Environment docket currently under Prof Judi Wakhungu.However, going by the records he has set and the ones he continues to set, Eugene is a good example of what is wrong with governance in Kenya. He is a leader who says one thing and does the complete opposite; a leader behaving badly.
Being a lawyer, the former Saboti MP is neither oblivious nor clueless about what the law says regarding Cabinet secretaries and politics. He knows he is not allowed to indulge himself in politics as long as he is a Cabinet secretary.Indeed, when he appeared before the Parliamentary Committee on Appointments last year, he stated that he had no interest in engaging in politics if confirmed as the Water and Irrigation Cabinet secretary. He looked so serious and convincing that he persuaded the committee.But now the prophet has turned a liar.
Today, you might be forgiven to think that Eugene Wamalwa is a Jubilee spanner boy. He speaks more politics than the president and his deputy.He is also likely to grace televisions and newspapers talking about Luhya unity and Jubilee Party than water or irrigation policies.The man from the land of 'mlembe' is today a full-time politician and a part-time Cabinet secretary. You might think that the CS should be more concerned with the game-changer Galana-Kulalu irrigation project.However, he is busy rallying the Luhya nation to join Jubilee and reminding CORD leader Raila Odinga that his ‘honeymoon’ with the region is over.
When Ipsos announced that most CORD supporters sleep hungry, he probably saw politics, not the agony of millions of people sleeping hungry because they come from the rain-deficit areas of Nyanza and Ukambani.Wamalwa would be best described as a political chameleon since he knows how to camouflage and ensure he blends well with the existing environs.What he might lack in political clout he makes up for in eloquence and mastery of the Queen’s language and then completes the circuit with serious but innocent looks.
When he is not huffing and puffing Jubilee politics, he is busy dismissing presidential bids of Amani National Congress leader Musalia Mudavadi and his Ford-Kenya counterpart Moses Wetang’ula.He makes judgments about the western votes but his kinsmen don't take him seriously because they know him;he preaches water but takes wine.The CS does not have the interest of the western people in heart. Some say that he is in the league of those playing politics of the stomach.
“Our community has barely two million voters yet we are the second most populous in Kenya. To make it worse, there are so many candidates fighting for the few votes. They cannot make it to State House,” he told leaders from West Pokot at his Kitale home.
If memory serves us right, we should remember that the CS led a delegation of Luhya leaders to Deputy President William Ruto’s home in Sugoi. You can bet your life if not sportpesa it was not to discuss water and irrigation matters which rightfully reside within his jurisdiction.
In the Cabinet, Wamalwa has made a name as the government's most ardent defender.In the face of a political tussle or a duel with the Opposition, Eugene forgets about water and irrigation issues and finds himself fiercely defending the government of the duo he truly loves and at whose behest he can willingly commit suicide. He even makes other Cabinet secretaries like Najib Balala and Charles Keter, who were also politicians, look like novices.
Funnily enough, when the Jubilee government hit the road in 2013,President Uhuru Kenyatta and his deputy William Ruto said they would be the only politicians in the cabinet.But this was before Eugene Wamalwa joined the cabinet.When asked why he engages in politics, he said: "The constitution only stops me from holding a political office."
So as fellow lawyers would say,'The learned fellow is 'seized' of the matter.'
Charles Domnic
23 July 2016
At times I normally wonder because it is like I don't understand the meaning of communication.
The term 'communication' has heed my mind with a lot of questions, "is this communication we are taking as a course valid? Is it a practical or a theory? or is it beneficial in both cases? And when are we going to apply it as communication experts?"
When I normally arrive at this point, one of my favourite motivational quotes usually come in my mind,"There are only two things that will change your life ;the people you meet and the books you read ."and this quote has summarised my life.
Why am l saying this?,This is simply because am seeing wonders amongst us,as communication experts despite of the courses we had learnt about our mother communication career. We had learnt about qualities ,attributes and principles of objective journalism but some of communication students are not able to apply those courses in their live.
I have been following up most of the whatssap chats and it had come to my realisation that some of the so called "upcoming journalists" normally write or utter their words without thinking their impact on the opposite side,but remember that every journalist must be accountable for his/her actions.
The question is,when are you going to change so as to suit the society?,when are you going to applying the courses you are learning in classes?.At this point I normally realise why most idiots are richer and successful than those people who call themselves intelligents.Most idiots outsmarts educated fellows because they are very good with people and very good with numbers.They can easily influence and are convincing because they have what I call 'likability'.They are less egocentric and more people empowering.They understand the universal truth that the greatest desire of every human being is to feel important, and whenever they interact with others, they apply this law.They process,find their ways around them ,cross all barriers ,go beyond limits and reach the summit of their potential.
Finally I would like to remind you that,"if you want to go fast, go alone ;but if you want to go further go with others "please learn to communicate because if you want to go beyond limits of your life,you only need three things; people, people and people.
22 July 2016
Tension and anxiety has gripped the Coalition for Reforms and Democracy (CORD) after the outspoken Bungoma Senator Hon.Moses Wetangula threw a spanner into the works by calling on Raila to either retire from politics or support one of the CORD principals without which,he threatened, their dance will end prematurely.
In an exclusive interview with KTN on Thursday, Wetangula, who is also the Ford Kenya party leader and one of the principals in CORD, said CORD supporters are tired of voting for a loser and Raila should change tact and consider retiring from politics.
“People vote for you, the votes are stolen and they start to think that even if they vote for you again, the same thing will happen,” Wetangula said.
The Bungoma Senator who is also the leader of minority in the Senate House also said that he believes CORD coalition has the capacity to win 2017 elections but told Raila that large crowds do not translate to votes.He asked Agwambo not to be hoodwinked by the mammoths and instead delve deeper into the interest of the electorate.
“Wherever we go, one must bear in mind that crowds are not votes so we
have to go much deeper than that,” said Wetangula.
Wetangula was too much engrossed with the idea of Raila backing up another candidate, either him or Kalonzo Musyoka, to the point of concluding by saying that if Raila Odinga contests for the Presidency in 2017, he will give Uhuru an early Christmas because he will celebrate before 8 am.
This brings another twist to Raila's life in this game they call politics. He has taken more than two decades in the political trenches and some perceive him as a kin to a wrestler who is hit,falls ,rises on his feet and goes for more punches. Raila has been in the dark and bright day of the Kenyan nation and has been madly described as the enigma in the Kenyan politics.To many,he cuts the image of a hardened war general who has fought and won many political battles. His critics are as eloquent in their dislike as his supporters are in their praise.Even the late Kijana Wamalwa couldn't describe him better when he said, "Those who love him, love him with passion and those who hate him hate him with passion.
However,in response to Wetangula's sentiments, Raila's Chief of Communication Mr.Etale assured Wetangula that Raila's name will appear on the ballot paper in the impending 2017 general elections. Etale further claimed that Mr Odinga is the definite CORD flag bearer and further advised Wetangula and Kalonzo to seek other posts in the coalition.These utterances from Etale are indications that Wetangula's sentiments seem not to auger well with the ODM wing of the CORD coalition.
Charles Domnic
A twenty one year old mother, Monica Wamweru was arrested yesterday and locked up at Nyeri central police station some hours after successfully delivering on Wednesday afternoon. She was taken from the hospital by police officers with the accompany of her boss, whom she used to work for in his mpesa shop and taken to the police station where he is held in custody. Ms.Wamweru's boss accused Wamweru of stealing ksh.90000 from his mpesa shop where she used to work at.
However, Wamweru's husband, Mr Irungu who is 22 years old said that his wife returned home from work on Tuesday evening then come night she began to develop labour pains and was rushed to hospital where she successfully gave birth on Wednesday at around 2pm. Come Thursday morning, the boss and the police officers reached the hospital and at first they even wanted to take Wamweru away leaving her newborn child unattended to.
While held at the custody, she denied that on Tuesday evening before leaving for home she took the total amount of money to her colleague as usual and only ksh.59000 was missing. ''They tortured me and my colleague at the station forcing us to produce the money,'' said Wamweru.The two were rescued by the commanding officer at the police station.
Ruth Fanice.
20 July 2016
The Opposition kingpin and former prime minister Raila Odinga has hit the Western ground running as he embarks on a four day political mission in the Luhya land. His long awaited tour of the region started in Vihiga county yesterday at Ground Zero with an indoor meeting of ODM grassroot leaders followed by a public address of a mammoth crowd.
The rally comes just few days after the defecting ODM Secretary General alias 'Generali' Hon.Ababu Namwamba made some sinister moves out of the party that sponsored him to parliament.Also, since the DP Hon.William Ruto confirmed to his kalenjin counterparts in Baringo County that Ababu is purely dancing their Jubilee tune, Raila had to up his game to counter the Jubilee effect. It is therefore time for political survival and Ababu's anti-ODM theatrics will not put Raila off.
Many have no doubt in their minds that Raila's presence in the region has sent a quiver in the Budalangi MP.Hon.Namwamba.Going by his sentiments over the past few days, regretting having been glued to Raila and ODM and what he terms as frustrations and being sidelined, Ababu has some how been perceived as an upcoming political arch rival of the former premier.He is on record having apologized to Amani National Congress leader Hon.Musalia Mudavadi for having been against him in his 2013 presidential bid.Ababu made these utterances knowing very well that he was with Raila in the campaign trail and that Mudavadi was Raila competitor.
Surprisingly, as Raila camped in Mudavadi's Vihiga backyard, Ababu was already clearing the way for Raila in his Budalangi home. Ababu claimed that he has not and will not leave the largest political party in Kenya, ODM,despite having ditched the post of Secretary General. However, his sentiments were contradictory and could throw any sane mind into quagmire. He lost many audiences when he concluded that he would show his supporters their next political home which he said was safe and full development plans.This begs the question:Aren't ODM brigades right to say that Ababu is a Jubilee mole after Ruto confirmed in Baringo that Ababu is a Jubilee project?
In Vihiga, Raila was flanked by ODM strongmen; Mombasa County Governor Hon. Ali Hassan Joho, his Kakamega and Busia counterparts Hon.Wycliffe Oparanya and Sospeter Ojaamong respectively. Also in attendance was Gwasi MP Hon.John Mbadi who also doubles as the ODM party chair.These leaders stood in solidarity with Raila at the genesis of his political mission in the land of 'mlembe'.They also added fuel to the political bonfire as Raila criticized the Jubilee government for undermining some regions such as Western Kenya and Nyanza in terms of development. Agwambo also stressed that the ties that exist between the luos and the luhyas are unbreakable and that those try such a taboo of breaking the ties are wishful thinkers.
Finally,Raila will be continuing with his rallies and is today expected to shake the Busia county ground.One of the places the CORD leader will visit is Ababu's constituency of Budalangi after which he will be moving to Paul Otuoma's constituency of Funyula.Mr.Odinga will end his his tour of western region on Friday in Kakamega
Nyabalah felix
The Opposition kingpin and former prime minister Raila Odinga has hit the Western ground running as he embarks on a four day political mission in the Luhya land. His long awaited tour of the region started in Vihiga county yesterday at Ground Zero with an indoor meeting of ODM grassroot leaders followed by a public address of a mammoth crowd.
The rally comes just few days after the defecting ODM Secretary General alias 'Generali' Hon.Ababu Namwamba made some sinister moves out of the party that sponsored him to parliament.Also, since the DP Hon.William Ruto confirmed to his kalenjin counterparts in Baringo County that Ababu is purely dancing their Jubilee tune, Raila had to up his game to counter the Jubilee effect. It is therefore time for political survival and Ababu's anti-ODM theatrics will not put Raila off.
Many have no doubt in their minds that Raila's presence in the region has sent a quiver in the Budalangi MP.Hon.Namwamba.Going by his sentiments over the past few days, regretting having been glued to Raila and ODM and what he terms as frustrations and being sidelined, Ababu has some how been perceived as an upcoming political arch rival of the former premier.He is on record having apologized to Amani National Congress leader Hon.Musalia Mudavadi for having been against him in his 2013 presidential bid.Ababu made these utterances knowing very well that he was with Raila in the campaign trail and that Mudavadi was Raila competitor.
Surprisingly, as Raila camped in Mudavadi's Vihiga backyard, Ababu was already clearing the way for Raila in his Budalangi home. Ababu claimed that he has not and will not leave the largest political party in Kenya, ODM,despite having ditched the post of Secretary General. However, his sentiments were contradictory and could throw any sane mind into quagmire. He lost many audiences when he concluded that he would show his supporters their next political home which he said was safe and full development plans.This begs the question:Aren't ODM brigades right to say that Ababu is a Jubilee mole after Ruto confirmed in Baringo that Ababu is a Jubilee project?
In Vihiga, Raila was flanked by ODM strongmen; Mombasa County Governor Hon. Ali Hassan Joho, his Kakamega and Busia counterparts Hon.Wycliffe Oparanya and Sospeter Ojaamong respectively. Also in attendance was Gwasi MP Hon.John Mbadi who also doubles as the ODM party chair.These leaders stood in solidarity with Raila at the genesis of his political mission in the land of 'mlembe'.They also added fuel to the political bonfire as Raila criticized the Jubilee government for undermining some regions such as Western Kenya and Nyanza in terms of development. Agwambo also stressed that the ties that exist between the luos and the luhyas are unbreakable and that those try such a taboo of breaking the ties are wishful thinkers.
Finally,Raila will be continuing with his rallies and is today expected to shake the Busia county ground.One of the places the CORD leader will visit is Ababu's constituency of Budalangi after which he will be moving to Paul Otuoma's constituency of Funyula.Mr.Odinga will end his his tour of western region on Friday in Kakamega
Nyabalah felix
The Opposition kingpin and former prime minister Raila Odinga has hit the Western ground running as he embarks on a four day political mission in the Luhya land. His long awaited tour of the region started in Vihiga county yesterday at Ground Zero with an indoor meeting of ODM grassroot leaders followed by a public address of a mammoth crowd.
The rally comes just few days after the defecting ODM Secretary General alias 'Generali' Hon.Ababu Namwamba made some sinister moves out of the party that sponsored him to parliament.Also, since the DP Hon.William Ruto confirmed to his kalenjin counterparts in Baringo County that Ababu is purely dancing their Jubilee tune, Raila had to up his game to counter the Jubilee effect. It is therefore time for political survival and Ababu's anti-ODM theatrics will not put Raila off.
Many have no doubt in their minds that Raila's presence in the region has sent a quiver in the Budalangi MP.Hon.Namwamba.Going by his sentiments over the past few days, regretting having been glued to Raila and ODM and what he terms as frustrations and being sidelined, Ababu has some how been perceived as an upcoming political arch rival of the former premier.He is on record having apologized to Amani National Congress leader Hon.Musalia Mudavadi for having been against him in his 2013 presidential bid.Ababu made these utterances knowing very well that he was with Raila in the campaign trail and that Mudavadi was Raila competitor.
Surprisingly, as Raila camped in Mudavadi's Vihiga backyard, Ababu was already clearing the way for Raila in his Budalangi home. Ababu claimed that he has not and will not leave the largest political party in Kenya, ODM,despite having ditched the post of Secretary General. However, his sentiments were contradictory and could throw any sane mind into quagmire. He lost many audiences when he concluded that he would show his supporters their next political home which he said was safe and full development plans.This begs the question:Aren't ODM brigades right to say that Ababu is a Jubilee mole after Ruto confirmed in Baringo that Ababu is a Jubilee project?
In Vihiga, Raila was flanked by ODM strongmen; Mombasa County Governor Hon. Ali Hassan Joho, his Kakamega and Busia counterparts Hon.Wycliffe Oparanya and Sospeter Ojaamong respectively. Also in attendance was Gwasi MP Hon.John Mbadi who also doubles as the ODM party chair.These leaders stood in solidarity with Raila at the genesis of his political mission in the land of 'mlembe'.They also added fuel to the political bonfire as Raila criticized the Jubilee government for undermining some regions such as Western Kenya and Nyanza in terms of development. Agwambo also stressed that the ties that exist between the luos and the luhyas are unbreakable and that those try such a taboo of breaking the ties are wishful thinkers.
Finally,Raila will be continuing with his rallies and is today expected to shake the Busia county ground.One of the places the CORD leader will visit is Ababu's constituency of Budalangi after which he will be moving to Paul Otuoma's constituency of Funyula.Mr.Odinga will end his his tour of western region on Friday in Kakamega
Nyabalah felix
The Opposition kingpin and former prime minister Raila Odinga has hit the Western ground running as he embarks on a four day political mission in the Luhya land. His long awaited tour of the region started in Vihiga county yesterday at Ground Zero with an indoor meeting of ODM grassroot leaders followed by a public address of a mammoth crowd.
The rally comes just few days after the defecting ODM Secretary General alias 'Generali' Hon.Ababu Namwamba made some sinister moves out of the party that sponsored him to parliament.Also, since the DP Hon.William Ruto confirmed to his kalenjin counterparts in Baringo County that Ababu is purely dancing their Jubilee tune, Raila had to up his game to counter the Jubilee effect. It is therefore time for political survival and Ababu's anti-ODM theatrics will not put Raila off.
Many have no doubt in their minds that Raila's presence in the region has sent a quiver in the Budalangi MP.Hon.Namwamba.Going by his sentiments over the past few days, regretting having been glued to Raila and ODM and what he terms as frustrations and being sidelined, Ababu has some how been perceived as an upcoming political arch rival of the former premier.He is on record having apologized to Amani National Congress leader Hon.Musalia Mudavadi for having been against him in his 2013 presidential bid.Ababu made these utterances knowing very well that he was with Raila in the campaign trail and that Mudavadi was Raila competitor.
Surprisingly, as Raila camped in Mudavadi's Vihiga backyard, Ababu was already clearing the way for Raila in his Budalangi home. Ababu claimed that he has not and will not leave the largest political party in Kenya, ODM,despite having ditched the post of Secretary General. However, his sentiments were contradictory and could throw any sane mind into quagmire. He lost many audiences when he concluded that he would show his supporters their next political home which he said was safe and full development plans.This begs the question:Aren't ODM brigades right to say that Ababu is a Jubilee mole after Ruto confirmed in Baringo that Ababu is a Jubilee project?
In Vihiga, Raila was flanked by ODM strongmen; Mombasa County Governor Hon. Ali Hassan Joho, his Kakamega and Busia counterparts Hon.Wycliffe Oparanya and Sospeter Ojaamong respectively. Also in attendance was Gwasi MP Hon.John Mbadi who also doubles as the ODM party chair.These leaders stood in solidarity with Raila at the genesis of his political mission in the land of 'mlembe'.They also added fuel to the political bonfire as Raila criticized the Jubilee government for undermining some regions such as Western Kenya and Nyanza in terms of development. Agwambo also stressed that the ties that exist between the luos and the luhyas are unbreakable and that those try such a taboo of breaking the ties are wishful thinkers.
Finally,Raila will be continuing with his rallies and is today expected to shake the Busia county ground.One of the places the CORD leader will visit is Ababu's constituency of Budalangi after which he will be moving to Paul Otuoma's constituency of Funyula.Mr.Odinga will end his his tour of western region on Friday in Kakamega
Charles Domnic
19 July 2016
15 July 2016
Lots of people feel bad when someone ignores them because they gain their self esteem from the approval of others. When I was a young child I was taught to please grown ups in order to be “Nice” child. As I grew up my strategy for seeking approval remained the same and so I started to determine my worth based on the acceptance I get from others, If people liked me then I feel good about myself and if they ignored me I feel worthless.

The main reason I feel bad when someone ignores me is that he/she thinks that he/she was annoyed somewhere because something was wrong between me and him/her. however, this not being the case. It might be for a reason not being liked, or be a reason of forcing him/herself on me. Today am treated nicely and tomorrow being ignored. In deed when today dies, tomorrow don't cry.
It is that when one is not liked then probably he/she is hated at all and this is only when someone is harmed and in the same time not able to defend himself. What to note is that In case they are ignoring me on intention then I make sure that if I wasn’t important to them they wouldn’t have cared to take extra actions to make me feel bad and also know that being interested in someone else doesn’t mean that anything is wrong with me, it only means that these people are prisoners of their past which forces them to be with certain people.
Do you read people’s e-mail , whatsapp messages or texts? If not, this the one way of ignoring someone. In my humble opinion this not good. Why ignore others. Tomorrow rises with new things, he that you ignore might be your boss. Even if it is work making you ignore others, it will go and other works will come. At the end of your life, will you regret not working for more time or not have a lot of time with your loved ones?
It’s critical that you make an effort to respond to and show interest in the people closest to you. If this means they get a spot on your to do list so that you can remind yourself to keep in touch, then so be it. Your friends should be there for you. Do not ignore them, get back to them.
Have you ever wondered why some tries to terminate their lives? Have you ever thought of a reason why others die of stress? When news goes around that a man has hanged himself, know it is because of 'life'. One committing suicide, because of life. It does not only mean that when you are in a good status of health, your life is enjoyable. You live in a big house with all your basic needs, you claim life is sweet.
Here comes three things that makes 'enjoyable' or so called 'sweet' life. Wealth, woman and wisdom. 3Ws. But question yourself, where is the origin of stress? You try to use your wealth to make yourself satisfied. You use wisdom to make wise decisions which then brings you to having a woman. Here is the beginning of stress.
Paul says in his letters unmarried to remain unmarried but if can't withhold, go ahead and marry. I rather say remaining unmarried be better. This is where I personally can deduce what life really is. If there could be a way to divide life periods, then life could have a lot of categories of periods.
Others never understanding at all about what others undergo in life. They make terminated decisions that are not in relation to what others think. Life is quite unfair to my life. Undergoing all this makes me never happy even once. Laughing becomes a forced thing in me. Others may see me laugh with my teeth out but what is in me is not what I look like. Judging a book by it's cover is like taking the first meaning of life to be the way it is, state of period that precedes birth. This makes me conclude that life is a period that comes before death.
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